Check out our pet policy!
Pets are welcome in our hotel, but there are some rules that must be followed in order to respect the other guests.
Any pet that may stay in the room must be communicated to the hotel by the time of the reservation or by the time that the pet arrives at the hotel.
Pets must circulate in the service area. The access must be always through the service ramp and never through the lobby or restaurant.
When using the elevators, pets must be hold by the owners.
Any damages caused by the pet, in the room or public areas of the hotel will be charged to the owner, according to the hotel price list.
Animals are not allowed in the restaurant or any common area, such as lobby, health club, swimming pool, etc.
In case of noisy pets that may cause other guests complaint, the owner will be informed and if the claims persist, we will request the owner to take the pet away from the hotel.
Only one pet is allowed per room.
We do not offer linen for pets, and it is not allowed pets in the beds or to use the bath tub to wash pets.
Our staff is not allowed to walk pets or take care of the animal in any other aspect (like taking to the pet shop, etc). Our Front Desk has information about this service providers.
Animals that become aggressive with strangers, must use nose band or be locked in the balcony while the maid cleans the room.
Accepting pets obligate us to block the room after the guest check-out in order to cleanup (carpet, curtains, blankets,
etc). This process takes between two and three days. The cleaning and the days that the room is closed without being sold, make the cost of the pet’s tax. Please confirm the amount to be charged to your room bill with the Front Desk or our reservations department.
Please contact the Front Desk if you need any indication of pet shops or veterinary.